Nearly all youth in England had COVID-19 antibodies by March 2022. Implications for vaccine policies?
27 June 2022
Results from Round 3
(3rd March to 25th March 2022)
Schools Infection Survey
Antibodies in secondary school pupils
N = 884
99.3% of had SARS-CoV-2 antibodies,
comprised of 64.9% who were vaccinated,
and 34.4% who were unvaccinated.
Antibodies in primary school pupils
N = 884
82.0% had SARS-CoV-2 antibodies,
comprised of 0.4% who were vaccinated,
and 81.6% who were unvaccinated.
Schools Infection Survey
The pupil antibody test used in
Oral fluid collection
Lower sensitivity than blood antibody tests, (estimated at 80.0%) for unvaccinated pupils.
Immunoglobulins in oral fluids are at least 1 per 1,000th of blood
Pupils were tested for
Anti-N (antibodies from natural infection),
and anti-S (antibodies from natural infection or vaccination)
Comparisons between Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3
Round 1 (10th November to 10th December)
Primary, 40.1%
Secondary, 82.4%
Round 2 (10th January to 3rd February)
Primary, 62.4%
Secondary, 96.6%
Round 3, (3rd March to 25th March 2022)
Primary, 82%
Secondary, 99.3%
Antibody testing in Round 3
Coronavirus cases in England were increasing
Omicron BA.1 variant times
UK infections
Week ending 18 June 2022
Likely caused by Omicron variants BA.4 and BA.5.
1,360,600 (1 in 40 people) in England
68,500 (1 in 45 people) in Wales
59,900 (1 in 30 people) in Northern Ireland
250,700 (1 in 20 people) in Scotland
Coronavirus, 6th sixth leading cause of death in England and Wales
3.3% of deaths in both countries
In April 2022, COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death.
Causes of death, UK
Dementia and Alzheimer’s
Ischaemic heart disease
Cerebrovascular disease
Chronic lower respiratory disease
Cancer, trachea, bronchus, lung
Influenza and pneumonia
Ill-defined conditions
Cancer, colorectal
Cancer, lymphoid, haemopoietic
Deaths in the US
Heart disease, 23.1%
Cancer, 21.7%
Accidents, (unintentional) 5.9%
Chronic lower respiratory diseases, 5.6%
Stroke, 5.18%
Alzheimer’s 4.23%
Diabetes, 2.9%
Influenza and pneumonia, 1.88%
Kidney disease, 1.8%
Suicide, 1.64%
Septicemia, 1.42%
Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, 1.39%