• Fri. Jul 5th, 2024


News which may not be found on mainstream media.

Omicron growth in Norway


Jun 29, 2024

Link to free download of my 2 textbooks

Louise Restaurant and Bar, night of 26th November


Oslo, Norway, Christmas party

Scatec solar power company

One or two returned traveller

Had returned days earlier

120 people (all double vaccinated)

Mingled with outside groups later

70 of the 120 plus 50 others tested positive

Half tested positive for omicron

13 proven in sequencing

Dr. Tine Ravlo, Oslo, infectious diseases

They have symptoms like fever, cough, headache, muscle pain, fatigue,

but for now none of them have become severely ill and none of them have been treated in hospital

The next day, one of two employees,

recently returned from South Africa tested positive

Norway’s state epidemiologist, Frode Forland

Sheer number of people infected at a single event, omicron considerably more infectious than delta

Prof Forland, Norwegian Institute of Public Health

One of three scenarios for omicron,
it would be both very mild and very transmissible

That is the hope
That is the best scenario we can have

That it’s getting minder,

most people will get it,

and they will get a natural immunity

It might be that it has now replicated and mutated so many times,

that this is the optimal position from the virus’ point of view,

to spread widely and not kill the hosts

That’s what we’ve seen with other diseases beforehand.

And of course, then it gets into more like an endemic phase

Now this is not the end
Nor is it the end of the beginning
Rather it is the beginning of the end

I’ve had Delta, this time last year (pretty rough, took 6 months to fully recover) and I have Omicron now. The symptoms of Omicron are as you state. I am vaccinated.

Living in SA (Gauteng) and have tested (+) 2 days ago, The symptoms is 100% correct as stated. Also after 1st symptoms, 3 days after i don’t even know that i was sick.

Body and muscle aches and pains


Tiredness (1 to 2 days)

Slight sore throat

No severe cough

No runny nose

Graph refs


SA. Live data, hospital patients who have tested positive


South Africa references


Weekly deaths in SA


Variants in SA


Sir Patrick Vallance

from pandemic to endemic where this becomes a more regular infection like flu over time

This virus has mutated a lot, quickly and that is sort of what you would expect at this stage

the good news is that, so far, it looks as though when you get very high antibody levels with the booster vaccine it’s definitely having some effect against it in the laboratory studies

Boris Johnson

Work-from-home from Monday

Facemasks will be enforced in public venues

Covid passes mandatory for nightclubs

Daily testing instead of isolation for omicron contacts

First plant-based coronavirus vaccine

CoVLP (20 years of R and D)


GlaxoSmithKline and Medicago

Primary endpoints and secondary endpoints met in trial dominated by COVID-19 variants

Efficacy demonstrated against all variants seen in the study,

including 75.3% efficacy against COVID-19 of any severity caused by Delta variant

Vaccine candidate was well-tolerated, with no related serious adverse events reported in the vaccine group

24,000 adults across six countries

Phase 3 placebo-controlled efficacy study

Canada Medicago’s plant based vaccine

British GSK’s pandemic adjuvant

Brian Ward, medical officer at Medicago

plants that are used simply act as bioreactors to produce the antigen

Health Canada

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

UK, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency

World Health Organization


Produced cheaply in very high amounts

Carrier plants such as potatoes and corn

Antigens created are fridge stable and can be stored for long periods of time

the likelihood that contamination by a plant virus would have an adverse effect on humans is almost negligible

Virus-Like Particles for protein vaccines

Creating empty shells, no RNA

Can you explain how one variant replaces the other? Does the other variant just fade out?

Campbell’s Pathophysiology Notes, Amazon orders for the UK, https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B012HWC8SU/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_AYC5Q7G3H2B3T4BCHQY0

Campbell’s Physiology Notes


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