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Jordan Peterson Analyzes the Final Plague: Death of the Firstborn | Biblical Series: Exodus


Nov 27, 2023

In part 6 of Jordan Peterson’s Exodus series, the table discusses chapters twelve through fourteen, specifically the significance of Passover, the importance of ceremonies, and the storyline of the Bible compared to other pieces of literature. They debate whether or not the Jews are called to have compassion for the Egyptians and discuss the meaning behind the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Topics covered include: human nature, sacrifice, the totalitarian spirit, compassion, and new beginnings.

Watch Exodus: https://bit.ly/3hKhmCT

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// BOOKS //
Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: https://jordanbpeterson.com/Beyond-Order
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-for-life
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-meaning

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