Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by TikTok oversized influencer George Keywood and his wife Sienna Keywood as well as host of ‘The Blaire White Project’ podcast Blaire White to discuss whether George and other ‘fat influencers’ are glorifying obesity.
George defends his videos as simply satire and comedic to which Piers immediately shuts him down by suggesting the videos ‘aren’t funny’. Piers then adds that it is making light of a serious problem that kills many people and it is in fact glorifying obesity.
Piers asks George to reveal his weight to which he refuses to give a number. Blaire finds it ridiculous that he would agree to come on a show to discuss oversized influencers and obesity and not give his weight. Piers then asks Sienna for her thoughts on her husband’s weight. Says that the videos are light-hearted but she does obviously have some concerns about his health – but explains that George is on a weight loss journey.
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