Jordan Peterson sits down with bestselling author, commentator, and researcher, Dr. Corey DeAngelis. They shed light on where 50% of all state budgets are spent, the surprising stack of monopolies that strangleholds public education, the partisan lies surrounding school choice, and the truth every parent needs to know: school choice uplifts all students.
Dr. Corey A. DeAngelis is a senior fellow at the American Culture Project and a visiting fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research. He has been labeled the “school choice evangelist” and called “the most effective school choice advocate since Milton Friedman.” He is a regular on Fox News and frequently appears in The Wall Street Journal. DeAngelis is also the executive director at Educational Freedom Institute, a senior fellow at Reason Foundation, an adjunct scholar at Cato Institute, a board member at Liberty Justice Center, and a senior advisor at Accuracy in Media. He holds a Ph.D. in education policy from the University of Arkansas. He is the national bestselling author of “The Parent Revolution: Rescuing Your Kids from the Radicals Ruining Our Schools.”
This episode was filmed on February 28th, 2025.
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For Corey DeAngelis:
On X
Read his most recent book “The Parent Revolution: Rescuing Your Kids from the Radicals Ruining Our Schools”
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| Chapters |
(0:00) Coming up
(1:01) Intro
(4:38) Avoiding ideological capture in the Department of Education Reform
(7:16) 50% of state budgets are spent on K-12 education — where the monopolies form
(12:20) “Academia is failing because we need more money”
(17:49) Why Democrats refuse to vote for school choice, how the pandemic revealed a broken system
(21:29) Educational psychologists tend to promote and amplify the worst ideas — the science of teaching does not need to be reinvented
(26:47) How Dr. Peterson mapped politically correct belief systems, why academia attracts low-conscientiousness radical leftists
(34:58) Competition in education increases quality across the board
(39:54) The academic elites already know the truth about competition
(42:32) Publishing four studies a year for nearly a decade
(45:59) Public influence and Trump’s endorsement
(47:20) Fund students – not systems, a major weakness of the Conservative Party
(51:18) Was the Head Start program a success or a failure? Lottery outcomes in education access
(55:13) The reasonable idea behind Head Start and where it went wrong
(57:59) Flipping the politics around school choice, the Virginia election
(1:03:26) Teacher certification needs a multi-pronged solution
(1:09:50) Where the money goes…
(1:14:38) DeAngelis’ use of X to shift the political landscape
(1:18:33) What about the children with uninvolved parents?
(1:22:29) School choice uplifts everyone — not just the rich
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