• Thu. May 16th, 2024


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CPAC 2016 – Michelle Malkin


Apr 2, 2024

Best-selling conservative author and senior editor for the Conservative Review Michelle Malkin slammed Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s support for Common Core standards, drawing loud boos from attendees at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Friday directed at the governor. “My job is not to tell people what they want to hear but what they need to hear,” a fired-up Malkin declared. “We just had Governor John Kasich — a nice guy by all means — who last night during the debate pretended he was on the side of local control. “Ohio grassroots activists and moms know better. This is a man who smeared homeschoolers and teachers!” she roared as many in the crowd jeered at the governor, “For their opposition to Common Core.”

“I am telling you the truth,” she said. “I am asking you to do your homework. I’m asking you to follow the money. I know it’s not what you want to hear. But do you want to hear the same Republicans promise you as they have been since 1981 that they’re going to abolish the Federal Department of Education? It’s an empty talking point. And those talking points need to be punctured like helium balloons.” Jeb Bush’s campaign collapsed in part thanks to his “cashing in on Common Core,” Malkin added. She went on to say: People talk about the Establishment without naming names. I do that. You want to talk about the names of the front groups in D.C. that are cashing in and selling out American parents and taxpayers on things like Common Core? It’s the National Governors’ Association for Common Core. They were in the backrooms hiring Clinton-era education ideologues. Radicals who do not believe in the constitutional principle of local control of education and the sovereignty of our families.

Malkin attacked Kasich immediately after he delivered his CPAC address on the main stage. Last January, Kasich called opposition to Common Core “hysteria.” “When you study the issue, you separate the hysteria from the reality,” he said at the time. “We have carried it out. We have higher standards. We want our kids to perform better and do better. The standards are determined by our local school boards. There is total local control. I think there has been a hysteria about this that is not well founded.”


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