On Jan 23rd 2017 I was invited by the Runnymede Society, a law student group, to debate Bill C16, a Canadian Federal bill that adds gender identity and gender expression to the list of protected groups in Canada, and makes discrimination in those categories a form of hate speech. Professor Bruce Pardy (http://bit.ly/2ljWlMB) spoke in support of the law and its accompanying policies. SPOILER ALERT: The Runnymede society approached six different law school professors, trying to find someone who would debate me, without success. Professor Pardy played devil’s advocate.
Runnymede Society: www.runnymedesociety.ca
Link to same video on Runnymede Society webpage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzkNHpiJ7AE&t=1899s
Intro, Joanna Baron: 0:00
Opening, Bruce Pardy: 1:35
Opening, Jordan Peterson: 16:19
Rebuttal, Bruce Pardy: 32:00
Rebuttal, Jordan Peterson: 37:24
Student Q&A: 42:45
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