• Mon. May 6th, 2024


News which may not be found on mainstream media.

Ben Shapiro DEBUNKS Leftist Pro-Abortion Arguments


Dec 10, 2023

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Shapiro REACTS to Leftist Meltdowns Over LEAKED Supreme Court Decision: https://youtu.be/Pi5ylzClr9w

Ben Shapiro Breaks Down LEAKED Supreme Court Draft Decision On ABORTION: https://youtu.be/qNS1chtkiX4

Ben Shapiro DEBUNKS Celebrity Abortion Arguments: https://youtu.be/57E86DjKDDo

#BenShapiro #Debate #ProLife #ProChoice #Abortion #RoeVWade #PlannedParenthood #PlannedParenthoodVCasey #Dobbs #DobbsVMississippi #Conservative #Liberal


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