DW news interview, Omicron latest
Latest thinking on Omicron Source
Latest thinking on Omicron Source
DW news, quite rightly and correctly, asked me for clarification on my contention that the virus was likely to have…
Omicron, Guess work so far More transmissibility Some vaccine escape Some natural infection escape Causing reinfections in SA in people…
Omicron now in 24 countries and California. Now clear it is highly transmissible. Cases seem mild so far Omicron rapidly…
Special report on omicron and vaccination in Australia. Thanks as always to Dr. Nigel Farrier Source
Oxford vaccine and blood clots https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10266585/AstraZeneca-uncovers-trigger-blood-clots-jab.html https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-vaccination-blood-clotting-information-for-healthcare-professionals/information-for-healthcare-professionals-on-blood-clotting-following-covid-19-vaccination From 4 January to 4 August AZ vaccine administered across the UK 24.8…
UK, majority of London cases omicron by tomorrow, Link to free download of my 2 textbooks Campbell’s Pathophysiology Notes,…
Aspiration issue reaches main stream media Source