• Fri. Jan 10th, 2025


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Justin Trudeau and the Election that Should Have Never Been | Rex Murphy | EP 191


Jan 1, 2024

This episode was recorded on September 13th 2021.

In this special episode, Dr Peterson and Rex Murphy discuss the Canadian political landscape, Justin Trudeau’s government, the federal debate, the upcoming election and why it was called in the first place.

Rex Murphy is a renowned Canadian commentator and author who deals primarily with Canadian political and social matters. He is best known for working on and for CBC Here and Now, CBC Radio 1’s Cross Country Checkup, writing for The Globe and Mail and writing for The National Post.

Rex Murphy’s page on the National Post:


Rex’s National Speakers Bureau Bio:

Watch Dr. Peterson’s previous episode with Rex:

Dr. Peterson will also be speaking with Maxime Bernier later this week. The link will be shared here when it is available.

[00:00] Introduction
[00:45] Jordan introduces Rex Murphy
[01:44] The election, why it was called, and what it’s about.
[05:35] The reason Trudeau called the election.
[08:33] The Parliament’s rare meetings.
[09:29] The benefits and medium to long term dangers of flooding the country with money during the pandemic.
[11:13] What this election is about.
[14:58] Climate change
[18:22] The demands of the pandemic itself are herding us.
[19:14] Bjorn Lomborg
[20:36] Climate Change plan and who and how do we determine the measures taken?
[23:21] Flying virtue flags.
[24:54] The cost of global warming politics.
[26:21] Green Party Leader Annamie Paul
[26:55] Trudeau on vaccination
[27:35] Covid policy
[31:31] Affordability and what the debate should have been about.
[33:04] Afghanistan
[38:13] Climate change, fixing weather, retooling energy policy globally, and boiled water advisories on reserves.
[40:07] Reconciliation
[48:40] Conservatives being beaten, to begin with.
[50:29] The leaders and the absence of Maxine Bernier
[53:33] The problems with the debate
[55:50] Rex Murphy’s opinion on Trudeau
[01:06:07] Where we go from here

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// BOOKS //
Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: https://jordanbpeterson.com/Beyond-Order
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-for-life/
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-meaning/

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