• Sat. May 4th, 2024


News which may not be found on mainstream media.

Most omicron hospitalisations incidental


Mar 31, 2024

Around 80% of English hospital admissions with coronavirus are admitted for other reasons

UK, 24th December

Omicron hospital patients, 366

Total omicron deaths, 29

UK, 27th December

Omicron hospital patients, 407

Total omicron deaths, 39

Omicron cases + 45,307
= 159,932

UK, 29th December

Omicron hospital patients,
+ 261 + 98 = 766

Total omicron deaths,
+ 10 + 4 = 53

UK data



SA data

SA hospital data



US cases and deaths data


Isolation down to 5 days is asymptomatic

20% of covid admissions caused by viral complications


December 21, England

Covid patients in hospital
= 6,245

Up 259 from previous week

Of the 259, just 45 admitted because of the virus

Of the 259, admitted, 214 for other conditions but having also tested positive

“incidental Covid” admissions

Previous week, December 7 to December 14

Majority of hospitalisations were still delta

Primary covid cases were 59% of the 289 weekly rise

People currently in hospital with Covid

“incidental” cases, 1,813 out of 6,245

Highest so far

Sir John Bell, regius professor of medicine, Oxford University

This is not the same disease we were seeing a year ago

The horrific scenes that we saw a year ago –

intensive care units being full,

lots of people dying prematurely –

that is now history in my view and I think…that’s likely to continue

Chris Hopson, the chief executive of NHS Providers

What our guys are saying is that incidental cases are making around 25 to 30 per cent of cases that are arriving,
but that will vary from place to place

In London you would expect to see higher levels

lower in somewhere like the South West, where community infections are lower

They are seeing an increase in the number of hospital admissions

but it’s not precipitous.

It’s not going up in an exponential way

As the number of cases in the community rises, there are significant levels of incidental cases

But we mustn’t forget that having those people in hospital causes complications because of infection control measures

under significant amounts of pressure and are struggling with high numbers of staff absences

More cases of incidental Covid compared to previous waves

Dr Raghib Ali, consultant in acute medicine at Oxford University Hospitals,

There is certainly a smaller proportion of people ending up with Covid pneumonia in intensive care
Probably half the cases I’ve seen are incidentals

You’ve got completely incidental cases,

someone coming in with a broken leg, who also tests positive for Covid,

then a third category of older people who have comorbidities.

Maybe they’ve had a fall or chest pain and also test positive and it’s unclear if the virus is having some sort of impact.

And when the prevalence of a virus with relatively mild symptoms is high in the community then you will see higher incidentals

Similar to Gauteng, with 52% incidentals

Report from Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (May 1 to Dec 24)




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