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Many waited until the evidence was self evident before stating a position, better late than never.
Marco Cavaleri, EMA head of biological health threats and vaccines strategy
Boosters, can be done once, or maybe twice, but it’s not something that we can think should be repeated constantly
We need to think about how we can transition from the current pandemic setting to a more endemic setting
With omicron there will be a lot of natural immunity taking place on top of vaccination,
We will be fastly moving to a scenario which is close to endemicity
Fourth dose for all
Data has not yet been generated to support this approach
Repeated vaccinations in a short time frame will not represent a sustainable long term strategy
Endemic Covid, very soon
Omicron, endemic
Consistent and predictable, not boom and bust
Common colds, influenza, HIV, measles, malaria, tuberculosis
A new Covid-era
Prof Julian Hiscox, Chair in Infection and Global Health, University of Liverpool
UK, New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group
We’re almost there, it is now the beginning of the end, at least in the UK
I think life in 2022 will be almost back to before the pandemic
Should a new variant or old variant come along, for most of us, like any other common cold coronavirus, we’ll get the sniffles and a bit of a headache and then we’re OK
If you’re willing to tolerate zero deaths from Covid, then we’re facing a whole raft of restrictions and it’s not game over
in a bad flu season, 200-300 die a day over winter and nobody wears a mask or socially distances,
that’s perhaps a right line to draw in the sand
Dr Elisabetta Groppelli, virologist, St George’s, University of London
I am very optimistic
We’ll soon be in a situation where the virus is circulating, we will take care of people at risk, but for anybody else we accept they will catch it –
and your average person will be fine
We need to accept the fact that our flu season is also going to be a coronavirus season, and that is going to be a challenge for us
However, it is still uncertain how bad winters will be as the people who die from flu and Covid tend to be the same
(You can’t die twice)
Prof Azra Ghani, epidemiologist, Imperial College London
Covid will still be around, but that we no longer need to restrict our lives
It seems like it’s taken a long time, but only a year ago we started vaccinating and we’re already an awful lot freer because of that
A new variant that can outcompete Omicron and be more pathogenic
Prof Eleanor Riley, immunologist, University of Edinburgh
When Omicron has finished and moved through, immunity in the UK will be high, at least for a while
70 year old overweight male who used to smoke for a lot of years
Hi John, I’m going through a period of suffering. Got the infection last Tuesday.
Tested on Wednesday and was positive. It is what you described but the sore throat is terrible, you don’t realise how often you swallow until it’s torture to do so,
been taking my D3 and zinc
and if nothing else my new Granddaughter will get to know her Granddad
Mis en place
When I woke up & feeling like I had a hangover, I immediately took my temperature, sure enough 38.7°c.
Knew I had it, just needed confirmation. Performed a lateral flow test & bang! had a positive result in under 5 minutes.
No really outstanding symptoms. No sore throat, no real headache (just the tightness of the head – hangover), temperature fluctuated hour to hour,
taste bud’s altered – no loss, just altered. Basically a general feeling of being unwell.
This lasted about 30 hrs & has improved greatly over a relatively short period.
It’s now day 4 & feeling pretty good. Taste is still altered & a little phlegm but otherwise doing well & just waiting out the isolation protocol.