UK CoViD symptom study
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) pregnancy advice
Citing US data
90,000 pregnant women have been vaccinated, mainly with mRNA vaccines including Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna,
without any safety concerns being raised.
Preferable for pregnant women in the UK to be offered the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines where available.
There is no evidence to suggest that other vaccines are unsafe for pregnant women, but more research is needed.
still advises that pregnant women should discuss the risks and benefits of vaccination with their clinician
Green book reference,
US data
Speaking from Brazil here. The situation is absolutely out of control. There are thousands of people dying without even get the chance to be treated. We need help, our goverment simply doesn’t do anything about it. I personally know more then 15 people that died from COVID.
Deaths, 371,889
Deaths in under 9s, 852
Including 518 under I year
0.58% of Brazil’s 345,287 Covid deaths to date have been of 0-9 year olds
More than 2,000 children
Not all from MIS
Up to 6 weeks after acute infection
Dr Fatima Marinho from the University of São Paolo
Childhood deaths underreported
10 times more deaths by unexplained respiratory syndrome than in previous years
Actual deaths, 2,060 children under nine years old, including 1,302 babies
High case numbers
Limited testing in children
Poverty and access to care
Crowded poor accommodation
Background malnutrition
Late diagnosis and care
Currently no vaccination under 16 years
Differential presentation
A child has a lot more diarrhoea, a lot more abdominal pain, and chest pain, than the classic Covid picture.
Because there is a delay in diagnosis, when the child arrives at the hospital they are in a serious condition and can end up complicating – and dying
Chile, vaccination contradiction?
Population 19 million
Well-developed public health system
Remote area coverage
Well-practiced vaccination pathways
Israel, UK, Chile, US
Population, 19 million
First dose, 7.5 million
Second dose, 5 million
Pandemic fatigue
Summer vacation travel
New variants
Chinese vaccine
Leonila Ferreira, ITU, Concepción
Patients younger on average than during the first wave
Continuing to let people travel abroad was a grave error
It introduced new variants which Chile has been slow to detect and contain
87% Sinovac’s CoronaVac data
60 million doses contracted over 3 years
(also some Pfizer)
10.5 million people followed, Feb. 2 to April 1
of whom 1.5 million first dose
2.5 million second dose
Two weeks after second dose
(28 days between primary and booster doses)
Symptomatic disease reduced by 67%
Deaths reduced by 80%
Hospitalizations reduced by 85%
ICU admission by reduced by 89%
Much lower after only one dose
Hospitals still stretched
Thinking about a third dose
Santiago locked down again
First dose, 40%
Second dose, 27%
Down to 48 year olds
Sharp decrease in over 70 hospitalizations
Sustained rise in under 59s
Cerebral venous thrombosis: a retrospective cohort study of
513,284 confirmed COVID-19 cases and a comparison with
489,871 people receiving a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine