Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by one of the world’s most incisive commentators, Coleman Hughes, to talk about the controversy his theories on race have created in the black community.
Accused of being radical and even racist, Coleman joins Piers Morgan to explain why he thinks the world should be ‘colour blind’ and more.
00:00 Introduction
00:35 Why do people think he’s racist?
02:31 On his Bill Maher appeareance – “People say I’m unsafe”
04:02 Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) in hiring
06:58 Woke culture
08:50 On Ann Coulter’s comments about the KC Super Bowl parade shooter
11:16 “White victims of police brutality don’t make news”
13:45 On reparations and ‘rewriting history’
17:12 On the reaction his book has had from other Black Americans
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